Gedling Colliery (1901 – 1991)
The Digby Coal Company sank two shafts 5.5m (18 feet 2 inches) in diameter at Gedling colliery to reach the Top Hard seam 428m (1,404 feet) below the surface. Gedling colliery did not produce only coal as there was also a bakery attached to the pit canteen, supplying bread, pies and other bakery goods to over 11,000 customers. The colliery became known as the United Nations Pit, with more than thirty-one different nationalities employed there.
Gedling colliery produced more than 70,000,000 tons of saleable coal from four seams, at a cost of 128 miners’ lives. Peak production was in 1958, when a workforce of 2,485 produced 1,100,000 tons of coal. The colliery closed in 1991 after a working life of 89 years. The spoil heap has since been redeveloped to create Gedling Country Park, but all the buildings have been cleared from the site.